Four Bulava tests scheduled for December

Chief designer confirms the nuclear warheads to be put on Russia’s prestige Bulava submarine based missile have been completed.

- The nuclear payload will have been completed by the time the missiles are installed onboard the carrier, Yury Solomonov says in an interview with Natsionalnaya Oborona journal, reports RIA Novosti on Tuesday.

The Bulava missile will be placed onboard Russia’s new 4th generation SSBN, the Borei-class. The first Borei-class submarine, the Yury Dolgoruky was commissioned last year and has been on many sea trails during the last year. A total of eight Borei-class submarines will be built at Sevmash naval yard in Severodvinsk by the White Sea.

Read more: Yuri Dolgoruky returned after sea trail

RIA Novosti reports that four Bulava test launches will be carried out in the second half of December. The tests will be the first Bulava tests to be carried out from Yury Dolgoruky.

The Bulava tests have so far been carried out from Dmitry Donskoi, a Typhoon-class submarine based in Severodvinsk. The last test took place in late October this year, the second successful firing in a month, after several failures during the last years.

Read all of BarentsObserver’s articles on the Bulava missile

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